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Europe Day 2023: celebrating European unity and solidarity thanks also to EU funds

On 9th May, we commemorated the anniversary of the historic 'Schuman Declaration' that set out the idea for a new form of political cooperation in Europe and paved the way of what is now the European Union. The CERV and Justice programmes firmly advocate for the European Union values arisen from the Schuman declaration and enshrined in the EU Treaties and the Charter of Fundamental Rights. Check the calls for proposals which are still open!

date:  12/05/2023




Are you a civil society organisation, a representative of sub-national government, an NGO, a heritage site or museum, or a research institution? Do you have ideas to promote citizen engagement and participation, preserve our common European history and shared values, and engage in conversations about its future?

These calls are for you!

1. Promotion of civil society organisations’ awareness of capacity building and implementation of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights (CERV-2023-CHAR-LITI).

         Policy priorities:

  • Capacity-building and awareness raising on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
  • Promoting rights and values by empowering the civic space
  • Strategic litigation
  • Protecting EU values and rights by combating hate crime and hate speech
  • Supporting an enabling environment for the protection of whistleblowers

         The deadline for submissions is 25 May 2023.

2. European Remembrance (CERV-2023-CITIZENS-REM).

         Policy priorities:

  • Democratic transition, (re-)building and strengthening society based on the rule of law, democracy and fundamental rights
  • Strengthening the remembrance of the Holocaust, genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity to reinforce democracy in the EU
  • Migration, de-colonisation and multicultural European societies
  • European integration and its defining achievements

         The deadline for submissions is 6 June 2023.

3. Citizens’ engagement and participation (CERV-2023-CITIZENS-CIV).

A non-exhaustive list of priorities to promote citizens engagement and participation:

  • Promoting democratic participation through debating the future of Europe
  • Engaging citizens and communities in discussions and action related to our climate and environment
  • Engaging citizens and communities in discussions and action related to solidarity
  • Countering disinformation and other forms of interference in the democratic debate and promoting media literacy

         The deadline for submissions is 5 September 2023.

4. Town-Twinning (CERV-2023-CITIZENS-TOWN-TT).

         Policy priorities:

  • Awareness raising of the importance of reinforcing the European integration process based on solidarity and EU values;
  • Promoting exchanges and debates on the EU's specific achievements and on lessons learnt from history and from European integration.
  • Fostering a sense of belonging to Europe, to increase an understanding of the benefits of the EU and to reinforce the EU's social and political cohesion.

         The deadline for submissions is 20 September 2023.

Get in touch with us if you have questions on these calls by writing to the following FMB:





Are you looking for funding for projects which could facilitate effective and non-discriminatory access to justice for all (including by electronic meeans) and/or support the rights of people involved in criminal proceedings as victims or suspects/defendants?

Then, this call is the right one!


1. Call for proposals for action grants to support transnational projects in the fields of e-Justice, victims’ rights and procedural rights (JUST-2023-JACC-EJUSTICE) (biennial call)


1. e-justice

2. Victims' rights and procedural rights

The deadline for submissions is 4 October 2023.

There will not be a similar call in 2024 so do not miss this opportunity!

Get in touch with us if you have questions on this call by writing to the following FMB:


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