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Vice-President Schinas addresses 'Combating Antisemitism in and through Sports' Forum

29 March 2023 - European Commission Vice-President for Promoting Our European Way of Life, Margaritis Schinas, in light of the rise of antisemitism in all spheres of our societies, spoke about the power of sports to combat antisemitism at the Forum 'Combating Antisemitism in and through Sports' organised by the World Jewish Congress in Geneva, on the sidelines of a UN Human Rights Council Session coinciding with the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights.

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Combating antisemitism

date:  04/04/2023

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At the Forum, the World Jewish Congress launched the initiative “Combating Antisemitism in Sport", which establishes antisemitism as an independent field of action in anti-discrimination work in sport, at both amateur and professional levels.

Vice-President Margaritis Schinas stated:

“Today’s discussion and [WJC’s] initiative for a new center for combating antisemitism in sport and society could not be more timely. Antisemitism is unfortunately on the rise again across Europe, and football is not immune to this phenomenon. It is too often noticable in chants, in songs, in banners, in slogans, in the stadiums of Europe. Extremist ideaologies fueled by extremists prejudice remains still an issue among many fans and many clubs. But at the same time, sports and footbal in particular, is also a powerful unifier. (...) Sport has a key role to play in inclusion, in cohesion, in combating hatred, discrimination and racism. (...) Addressing antisemitism through sport is a key priority for us, here at the European Commission."

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