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Erasmus+: Launch of new international project to combat antisemitism through education

3 April 2023 - Today marks the launch of a new two-years project to address antisemitism in Europe through education. The project will be financed by the Erasmus+ programme and implemented by UNESCO in partnership with the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR).

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Combating antisemitism

date:  03/04/2023

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The project is expected to deliver a series of outputs, including national in-person training events for teacher trainers; policy-makers and civil society organisations; and thematic online webinars for teacher trainers and educators from all EU Member States. The aim is to support teachers and educators to counter conspiracy theories and antisemitism in the classroom. The project will also help to assess national curricula and the quality of school textbooks with regards to antisemitism in Europe, and the current preparedness of teachers before producing recommendations for policymakers at national and regional level.

Erasmus+ features the promotion of inclusion and diversity among its overarching priorities, thereby contributing to social cohesion and to strengthening European identity and fostering European Union values. This project also supports the educational dimension of the EU Strategy for Combating Antisemitism and Fostering Jewish Life. More information is available in a press release.

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