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Join us online or in Brussels on 27 April and 28 April for two key events in the diversity and inclusion calendar

The European Commission will hold a high-level event on Diversity on 27-28 April 2023 with the Commissioner for Equality, Helena Dalli, where the winners of the European Capitals of Inclusion and Diversity Award will be announced and EU Diversity Month 2023 will be officially opened.

date:  27/04/2023 - 28/04/2023

venue:  Online and onsite in Brussels, Belgium

Organiser:  DG Justice and Consumers, European Commission

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  • 27 April: tune in from 14:00 CET to find out which cities, regions and towns have won a European Capital of Inclusion and Diversity Award.
  • 28 April: take part in the opening event of this year’s European Diversity Month from 9:30 CET.

The Award Ceremony

The Awards celebrate the achievements of those places across the EU which have innovative and sustainable inclusion and diversity policies and are helping to build a Union of Equality.  They can inspire us all to build a fairer Europe.

European Diversity Month Opening Event

May is the European Diversity Month and we kick-off the month with an event on 28 April. Join us as we will explore how organisations and stakeholders can work together to build effective inclusion policies in the workplace and across society. Speakers from Microsoft, KPMG, AmCham EU, Rimi Baltic Group, the European Commission, other organisations and NGOs will join Commissioner Dalli for series of discussions.

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