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CHAR-LITI call is trending!

The info session of the call CERV-2023-CHAR-LITI took place on 16 February with 270 participants. This high attendance demonstrates the interest as well as the increasing popularity of the call.

date:  17/03/2023

Upon analysis of a survey launched during the session, an important majority of the respondents (59%) was already familiar with the scope of all, while a significant 41% had little or no previous knowledge. Civil society organisations were the primary audience (64%), while 22% of the attendees represented universities or national public authorities. Amongst the five priorities of the call, Capacity building and awareness raising on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights (24%) together with Protecting EU values and rights by combating hate crime and hate speech (24%) were the two favored topics in the likeliness to apply for. Promoting rights and values by empowering the civic space ranked third (18%) followed by Supporting an enabling environment for the protection of whistleblowers (13%) and Strategic litigation (3%).

The presentation covered many aspects of the call, including technical details such as cost eligiblity, co-financing, as well as an extensive discussion focussed on the call priorities.

CHAR-LITI call aims to promote civil society organisations' awareness of capacity building and implementation of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union ('the Charter') brings together a broad range of fundamental rights and reaffirms that the EU is built on the values of fundamental rights, democracy and the rule of law.

This call for proposals will promote right and values by building primarily civil society organisations capacity and awareness on the Charter and by carrying out activities to ensure that the Charter is upheld. The available budget of the CHAR-LITI call increased rapidly from 2 million in 2022 to 16 million euros in 2023, reflecting the need to contribute to the construction of a more democratic Union through strengthening the protection and promotion of Union values, the rule of law, as well as transparency and good governance.

Detailed information about the call is available on EACEA webpage and on the Funding and Tenders Opportunity Portal.

For help related to this call, please contact or the CERV Contact Point of your Country. ​ 

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