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May is the European Diversity Month!

Celebrated each May, European Diversity Month draws attention to the importance of promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace. This is your organisation’s chance to take a stand and promote diversity and inclusion.

date:  14/02/2023

See alsoEU diversity 2023 initiatives

ContactEU Platform of Diversity Charters

​​​​​​​​​​​​​European Diversity Month is part of the European Commission's commitment to fight discrimination and promote diverse and inclusive workplace. Its aim is to raise awareness of the importance of diversity and inclusion in our workplaces and in society throughout the whole EU. Its main objective is to bring together diversity charters, small and large employers, private companies, public organisations, and non-profit associations around a common goal – to promote diversity in the workplace and in society.

It provides a unique opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to diversity. 

The European Diversity Month 2023 encourages  organisations to ‘Build bridges’ with their employees, business partners, suppliers, customers and with a wider public, but also between different policies and strategies within the organisation.

To start any journey or to assess organisation’s progress, you need to know where you stand. This is why, in 2023 the EU Diversity Month focuses on “Assessing diversity and inclusion”. We invite organisations to have a look within them and see if their diversity, inclusion and belonging policies are working and meeting their objectives.

Get involved

Whether or not you are signatory to a diversity charter, this is the month to celebrate and promote diversity in the workplace and society, to raise awareness of the benefits of diversity and inclusion, and to show how they impact your organisation.

Whether you

  • communicate internally and/or externally on your commitment for equal and inclusive workplaces,
  • organise seminars, roundtables, workshops
  • volunteer to a NGO
  • or sign your national Diversity Charter

every action counts!

Need inspiration?

Visit our website and see the materials we have prepared for you - guide to celebrate EU Diversity Month, social media toolkit and downloadable visuals to promote your own events.

And don't forget - we want to hear from you! So put your event/activity on the Diversity Map!



#UnitedInDiversity #DiversityCharters #UnionOfEquality

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