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German Diversity Charter launches extensive anti-racism toolbox

Starting in August 2021, our pilot project "Raising Antiracist Awareness - Strengthening Competence for Diversity in the Workplace" is now concluded with a product launch: the anti-racism toolbox.

date:  14/02/2023

The toolbox can help people to learn more about racism and its effects in the world of work, develop and strengthen a sense of their own and others' vulnerability, critically examine their own behaviour, and ensure that a working environment is created in which racism has no place. It includes worksheets, checklists, workshop blueprints, general information about the topic, and much more.

We have developed this toolbox in collaboration with trainers with decades-long experience in the field of anti-racism work, tested and revised it in various workshops with employees from employee resource groups, and designed it specifically for the application in work contexts.

Since racism and anti-discrimination are shared topics of interest and action for all diversity charters, we would like to share the outcomes of this project with all of you. You will find the project website in English to gain an overview of the contents of the toolbox. Also available in English is the Basics Wiki, where frequently used terms are explained and contextualised. For all other products we are currently working on an English translation, but are hoping that the German documents might be of information and inspiration to you still.

The project was funded by the German Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-racism, Reem Alabali-Radovan.

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