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Here’s a glimpse of APPDI activities in the last months

APPDI continued to provide training and workshops on topics such as Diversity, Inclusion, Belonging and Equity, unconscious biases and discrimination, inclusive and neutral language, and inclusive recruitment, to organizations, including public institutes. Since the beginning of the year, we already trained more than 880 people.

date:  20/12/2022

In the beginning of September, APPDI reiterated the experience of working with a summer festival, and had the pleasure to work with MEO KALORAMA, a brand new 3-day music festival, with over 112 thousand visitants. Before the festival, the APPDI team delivered 2 training sessions on Diversity, Inclusion, Belonging and Equity, one for staff and one for higher management, and received much positive feedbacks. During the festival, APPDI were in loco, with a team of over 40 volunteer students, to provide information and any help needed regarding overall accessibility in the festival.

On October 11th, APPDI officially kicked off the 6th edition of the program “Women Engineer for a Day” (in Portuguese “Engenheiras Por Um Dia”), an initiative of the Portuguese Government, managed by APPDI, with the event “Shaping the Digital Future: International Girl’s Day”. The goal of this Program is to promote engineering and technologic (STEM areas) options among non-higher education girls, by deconstructing the idea that these are male domains. So far, 58 schools, 19 higher education institutes, and 92 partner organizations have joined the Program, with more than 12,500 impacted students!

After the summer, we gathered efforts to start filming the videos for our video campaign to promote D&I best practices, which is part of the project “Active and Diverse: promoting diversity and non-discrimination in the workplace”. The final version is almost “out of the oven”, and we cannot wait to share the results of this collaborative work!

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