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Support needs of employers identified

The Dutch Diversity Charter investigates over 6.000 helpdesk questions on diversity and inclusion. How do I create awareness and support for diversity and inclusion in my organisation, and how can I adjust personnel policy accordingly? These are the hot topics the Dutch employers most often submitted to the SER Diversity at Work helpdesk. This reveals an analysis of 6.000 helpdesk questions over the period of 2019-2021.

Helpdesk questions categorised by the following dimensions: ability (arbeidsvermogen), ethnic cultural background, age (leeftijd,) gender (sekse) and LGBTI.

date:  20/12/2022

On the theme of awareness and support, the questions were mainly about training and management. The questions on adjustment of personnel policy were mainly about inflow policy and/or recruitment and selection. Think about adapting vacancy texts and selection procedures. There were far fewer questions about promotion and preventing outflow. Fewer questions were also asked about aspects such as monitoring and (inclusive) communication.

In addition to substantive questions, employers often request practical support in setting up and implementing D&I policies. Consider, for example, tips for speakers and trainers. In terms of dimension of diversity, most questions submitted were about ethnic-cultural background, followed by work ability and gender. Fewer questions were asked about the dimensions of age and sexual orientation. This order was the same in all three years. Large organisations asked the most questions on ethnic-cultural diversity. Small organisations asked questions on the gender dimension more often than large organisations.

Type, scope and sector

By dimension of diversity, the questions hardly differ between private and (semi-)public organisations. By sector, there are differences. Government and press and media ask many questions about the ethnic-cultural background dimension and about modifying personnel policy. The process industry asks questions, more than other sectors, about the labour capacity dimension and about creating more awareness and support.

The impact of signing the Diversity Charter

Signing the charter proved a boost for the helpdesk. The number of questions increased proportionally with the number of signatories. Conclusively, signing the Diversity Charter leads to requests for information and advice about improving D&I at the workplace which demonstrates the positive impact of the Diversity Charter.

Helpdesk as a source of data

The helpdesk is a useful source of information. It paints a picture of the dimensions of diversity and the phases in the implementation of D&I policies. The analysis gives insight into employers’ support needs. SER Diversity at Work uses the input to improve information and service delivery.

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