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HBLF Women Campaign

The Board of Hungarian Busines Leaders Forum (HBLF) has invited the CEOs of Hungarian companies to stand together and make commitment on the occasion of International Women's Day, so that more and more women have the opportunity to prove their talents and competence as leaders.

date:  19/12/2022

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Today, only 8% of the top 50 companies (by revenue) in Hungary have female CEOs. HBLF is the EU’s exclusive diversity partner organization in Hungary, HBLF represents the Diversity Charter in Hungary. In line with HBLF's and the Hungarian Diversity Charter’s mission, we believe that we are stronger together and can make greater impact for the changes we need, giving women a chance to lead.

So far, nearly 100 CEOs have joined the campaign, nearly half of them our charter signatories.

The HBLF and the Hungarian Diversity Charter campaign's message and the film of the joint actions were widely covered by the media.  We had 51 posters displaying the campaign on the streets of Budapest between March 1st and March 15th and we had neary 7 000 000 media reach.
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