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The exhibition #FakeImages displayed at the European Commission premises

8 November 2022

date:  29/11/2022

See alsoPhoto gallery

The European Commission Vice-President for Promoting our European Way of Life, Margaritis Schinas, hosted the opening of the exhibition "#FakeImages: Unmask the Dangers of Stereotypes" at the Berlaymont, on the occasion of the commemoration of Kristallnacht. The Exhibition curated by Kazerne Dossin “Memorial, Museum and Research Centre on Holocaust and Human Rights" in Mechelen, in partnership with the Arthur Langerman Archives for the Study of Visual Antisemitism at the Center for research on antisemitism at Berlin Technical University, is raising awareness on the impact of visual propaganda and is based on Arthur Langerman's collection, a Belgian survivor of the Holocaust. 

#FakeImages presents antisemitic images from across the centuries, with a strong focus on propaganda before and during the Second World War, highlighing mechanisms that have a major impact on contemporary ideas and on society. The exhibition aims to help visitors to break through common patterns of misleading information such as stereotypes, prejudice, racism, deception and humour.

Vice-President Schinas underlined during the opening: “We are here to revisit the haunting images that fuelled such hate and retrace the painful path from propaganda to violence and genocide". After the official speeches, followed an insightful discussion between Arthur Langerman and Katharina von Schnurbein, European Commission Coordinator on Combating Antisemitism and Fostering Jewish Life.

The exhibition will be showed in the EU Commission’s Head Quarter Berlaymont until 10 December. It will continue its journey to be presented at the United Nations in New York in January. 

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