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Portuguese Charter celebrating the European Diversity Month 2022

The European Diversity Month 2022 brought with it new exciting partnerships and milestones!

date:  14/08/2022

On European Diversity Month 2022, APPDI conducted several activities and achieved key milestones:

  • 10 Webinars and events, on topics such as hiring immigrants, integrating LGBTQI+ people in the workplace, implementing D&I practices, evaluating impact in organizations, and D&I good practices in the education context, totaling over 650 registrations to attend;
  • 12 training sessions on Diversity, Inclusion, Belonging and Equity, unconscious biases and discrimination, inclusive and neutral language, provided to organizations such as AIG, Nestlé, MoOngy, GroupM, Teleperformance, Inditex, Saint Gobain and Rock in Rio;
  • Partnered with Rock in Rio Lisboa, a 4-day music festival that welcomes over 60 000 participants each day. We recruited almost 200 volunteers that administered a survey to assess the festival’s audience impressions on Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility policies and measures implemented during the festival;
  • Developing a video campaign that focuses on promoting Diversity and Inclusion best practices, correcting misconceptions about working on this topic, and highlight its benefits.

We aim to expand on these efforts for the European Diversity Month 2023, and look forward to celebrating and promoting Diversity and Inclusion in all work contexts!

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