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#EUDiversityMonth and the 10th anniversary of the Diversity Charter in Poland

The Polish Diversity Charter celebrated the European Diversity Month as part of the year-round celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Diversity Charter in Poland, coordinated by the Responsible Business Forum.

date:  14/08/2022

The main event in May 2022 was the 9th CSR Marketplace, the biggest corporate social responsibility event in Poland. During this edition the participants could also discover the Diversity Zone and Ukrainian Zone, created together with CSR Ukraine. It was an occasion to get to know about new CSR & D&I job offers and projects ran by companies or meet people who face the discrimination. In the Diversity Zone members of the CSR Ukraine team showed how to support people affected by the refugee crisis.

One of the key elements of the conference part was the "Diversity and Inclusion" discussion block. During the conference part prof. Adam Bodnar, the ex-Polish Ombudsman, had a speech about D&I in the times of crisis. 

During the 9th CSR Marketplace, the results of the 2nd Diversity IN Check survey were also announced. It is a tool and research project invented and conducted by Responsible Business Forum as part of its activities as a coordinator of the Polish Diversity Charter. The second list of the best employers for D&I in Poland was also presented.

Also in May 2022,  the Polish Diversity Charter created Hyde Park D&I - a series of talks with representatives of business entities. Eight companies - Signatories of the Diversity Charter - were involved in the project, demonstrating valuable practices in the field of diversity, inclusion and wellbeing. All presentations are available on YouTube.

As part of the 10th anniversary of the Diversity Charter in Poland, there is also a series of #DiversityTalks podcasts to which business and NGOs experts are invited. So far, 9 episodes have been produced.

In addition, on the occasion of #EUDiversityMonth, there was also an infographic showing how you can involve your organization in the celebration of Diversity Month.

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