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The actions of Fondazione Sodalitas in Italy for the European Diversity Month 2022

This year Fondazione Sodalitas - as promoter of Italian Diversity Charter -, developed different initiatives during the European Diversity Month, the annual event held in May and organised by the European Commission to raise awareness of diversity and inclusion in the workplace and societies.

date:  14/08/2022

In accordance with the theme of this edition of Diversity Month 2022 “Building Bridges” between organizations, companies and institutions to promote diversity and to create a more inclusive society, it has decided to create a video to rise awareness and reduce stereotypes and promote an ever wider alliance on D&I subjects.

A video to raise awareness on the importance of D&I.

Within the framework of the European Diversity Month, Fondazione Sodalitas has launched an awareness campaign aimed at collecting stories of people about meaning of diversity and about the way in which individuals and companies can put it into practice. The campaign was conducted through people from member companies of Fondazione Sodalitas and was based on their stories and experiences, providing useful and interesting insights on Diversity and Inclusion.

The video was attended by people of 11 member companies – Accenture, Acque Bresciane, Bureau Veritas, Danone, Enel, FedEx Express, Feralpi Group, ICOP, Novartis, Poste Italiane and Sofidel – and signatories of the Italian Diversity Charter.

The video, characterised by mini videos, shows employees of the companies sharing their experiences in Diversity and Inclusion. Every person has something different that distinguishes them from the others. For instance, there are new mothers, foreigners, homosexuals, people with disabilities.

Participants were asked to answer to some questions regarding values and diversity and inclusion. Their answers were incredibly different and similar at the time, raising awareness anyone who sees the video. They affirmed that inclusion is respect, attention to people, sincerity, welcoming and listening to, empathy and comprehension and that an inclusive and comfortable workplace is when everyone is free to show their diversity and their needs. They declared that diversity means knowing different persons and points of view, thinking with different perspectives and that it builds progress. Afterwards, they highly asserted that through Diversity and Inclusion it is possible to share their own situation with others building an absolutely inclusive environment.

More can be viewed here. 

Final event “Deploy your Talents”: relaunching STEM subjects by overcoming stereotypes

The closing event and the award ceremony of the 9th Italian edition of “Deploy your Talents” was held on May 9 2022. The project, created by CSR Europe and developed in Italy by Fondazione Sodalitas, is aimed at relaunching STEM subjects by overcoming gender stereotypes and building partnerships between schools and companies. This 9th edition involved 18 companies and 9 schools that have worked together to raise awareness among young people on the value of training in technical-scientific subjects and on how solid STEM training can make the difference to find work and grow professionally. During the ceremony, the students presented a video regarding their experience in partnership with companies.

Employment opportunities for persons with disabilities

On Thursday 26 May 2022 Fondazione Sodalitas and the Province of Varese held a webinar aimed at outlining the opportunities offered to the companies of the province in order to fulfil the obligations to hire workers with disabilities. During the event, legislation regarding this matter was analysed by some experts, with a particular focus on the Convention ex. Art.14 and law 68

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