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Women leaders, disability, employee’s mental health and LGBT among topics in Hungary during the EU Diversity Month 2022

The Diversity Month 2022 organised by the EU Diversity Charter Hungary was joined by numerous Charter signatories and partners, so Hungary had a colorful programme of 55 events to offer (2021: nearly 30). 38 organizers of 55 events engaged with further 86 co-organizers and speakers and involved 10000 participants to spend 135 hours on diversity and inclusion and its subtopics.

date:  14/08/2022

The main topics were:

  • the general approach of diversity and inclusion and company managements
  • gender, with a special a focus on women participation and leadership (in business, diplomacy and education)
  • inclusive employment of disabled people
  • mental health of employees
  • family diversity and awareness raising within the family
  • and special topics also targeted as: inclusivity in marketing, purchasing inclusivity, corporate citizenship and donation and LGBTQIA+

The variety of program formats as webinar, round table discussion, training, workshop, presentation, podcast, internal employee programs and awareness communication programs, exhibition, fashion show enabled participants not only listen to and raise topics and raise further awareness, but also to exchange good practices and learn from each other.

23 open events allowed to involve also non-signatories of the Charter and expand the network of organizations and individual committed to diversity and inclusion. 22 closed/internal events contributed to further development of organization by deepening employee engagement or competence building.

32 online and 7 hibrid events increased the possibility of flexible participation all around the country, 16 offline events enables in-person discussions, skill development and networking.

We had the honour to find several media partners for disseminating the messages. Appearing 5 times in radio, 4 times in television, 4 times in print and more than 25 online articles delivered our messages, the event and the importance of the topics to appr. 1.000.000 contact points.

We are glad that both those more mature organizations could be involved who have already good practices (by enabling them to share or present them or participate in forward looking discsussion identifying common action areas) and organizations who are just starting the route (by finding good examples, learning about sub-topics, reaching out to a supportive network).

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