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Promoting the spirit of Diversity in Greece

This year we celebrated the European Diversity Month through activities with an experiential and interactive content.

date:  12/08/2022

We successfully implemented the "Diversity & Inclusion Training Program", a complete training program about Diversity and Inclusion. The program was attended by the employees from the Greek companies that belong to the Diversity Charter Greece and more specifically the executives who manage groups of people -People Managers-. All participants participated in experiential activities that helped them understand and comprehend the basic concepts around Diversity. 19 big companies from the Greek labour market participated. The event with photos was promoted in our social media channels (Facebook and Linkedin) with tag to all companies that had participated.

We also created a video with friends and colleagues to talk about the meaning of Diversity. Children and adults from different countries gave their own interpretation of the meaning of Diversity with the aim of raising awareness and activating the public around issues of Diversity and Inclusion. We shared our video on social media and at the same time we shared it to all our signatories by sending a Press Release.

Watch the video here (EN subtitles coming soon)

We are really happy that European Diversity Month gives us the opportunity to take action in order to convey the spirit of Diversity.

We are looking forward to next year!

In the meantime, join us on the 5th of October at our 4th Diversity in Business Conference.

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