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The charm and the benefits of an outdoor Diversity Month exhibition in Estonia

The main event of the European Diversity Month in Estonia was a month-long exhibition in Telliskivi Creative City outdoor gallery, with photos focusing on generational diversity. Artists were found through Estonian street photography nonprofit, and the works featured people from different locations and age groups. The gallery has gained a lot of popularity due to its easy access and proved to be a great way for engaging people passing by.

date:  12/08/2022

The exhibition also had a side-program of guided tours and a hybrid panel discussion on May 11th, the Diversity Day in Estonia. Weekly tours featured an expert leading the discussion on age diversity from different angles, especially in the workplace. Informal talks were moderated for example by a leading workplace branding specialist, or our partners from Swedish embassy in Tallinn, who provided their long-term experiences and insight on the subject.

Success stories and difficulties in diversity were also discussed in a panel with four major Estonian employers. Big emphasis was given to inclusion, aside from noticing and embracing the differences in the work environment. The event was streamed on the home page of one of the biggest daily newspapers.

An online quiz was open to anyone interested throughout the month, both in Estonian and in English. It covered educational facts from LGBT+ community and people with disabilities to neurodiversity and ethnic minorities. The quiz received good feedback last year and was incorporated in the Diversity Month activities by many inspiring signatories in 2022. Working and celebrating together with them and all the European charters is motivating and humbling, we are lucky to have that!

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