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Celebrating European Diversity Month in Cyprus

For this year's Diversity Month, the Diversity Charter Cyprus co-organised three main activities at national level.

date:  11/08/2022

What would some of the most important aspects of our lives be like if we all encouraged each person to show their true identity? What if we give every different person the opportunity to contribute their brightest part to the well-being of a workplace, a family, a community, a society? What is certain is that this would be beneficial to society, the economy, business and the workplace.

On the occasion of the second European Month of Diversity (May 2022) and as part of the national actions of the Diversity Charter Cyprus to celebrate the month, the Center for Social Innovation (CSI), official representative of the Diversity Charter Cyprus, together with the Diversity Charter Cyprus implemented three main activities at national level, opening a debate on a real ethical and meaningful investment in diversity, away from clichés and stereotypical approaches:

  1. A celebrational, promotional video on diversity and inclusion in the workplace and the society in Cyprus, that was funded by the European Commission.
  2. An official showcase/screening of the video at Europe Day on the 8th May 2022, organized at national level in Nicosia, Cyprus.
  3. Screening of the video at the Femme Fest, on the 29th May 2022, organized at national level in Nicosia, Cyprus, by the Municipality of Nicosia.

Watch the video here and become part of the change!

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