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EU survey on justice, rights and values

Discover this new tool to be used in the implementation of all projects and operating grants funded under the CERV and Justice programmes.

date:  15/07/2022

Beneficiaries of actions grants and operating grants under the Justice and CERV programmes are now required to use the EU survey in order to collect the feedback of the participants who attend their events.

For which kind of events?












How does it work?

The Coordinator and the recipients of an OG receive an email with the link to the survey and practical information on how to manage the questionnaire and results and on how to give access to the survey to other members of the consortium (if needed).

Why is it so important?

The survey has been created to collect data to measure the quality of the funded events and the effects these activities have on the attendees. It also aims to measure the level of awareness of the participants of the various instruments and policies for the promotion of European values and rights. The results of the survey will feed into the evaluation of the Justice and CERV programmes. While being completed by other tools and sources, this EU survey is our main tool to assess the quality of the events funded and it is, therefore, essential that, for each event, the members of the Consortium make an effort to ensure a good reply rate (for instance by sending a reminder if the reply rate is low).










Thanks a lot for your support and collaboration!


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