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News from the Project NEVER AGAIN

The Consortium wants to share with us their new e-book on secondary victimisation.

date:  16/12/2021


NEVER AGAIN, launched in November 2020, arises from the need to find concrete solutions for women victims of violence and, in particular, for those who have suffered secondary victimisation. The project is co-funded by the REC Programme, is coordinated by the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli in partnership with Il Sole24Ore, D.i.R.e.- Donne in rete contro la violenza, Prodos Consulting, the theatrical association M.A.S.C. and the Association Maschile Plurale. 

Project goals

  • Transforming the approach and professional culture of the judiciary, law enforcement and media when dealing with domestic and gender-based violence by increasing awareness and understanding of the social and cultural roots of violence against women;
  • Contributing to a correct and effective application of international, European and national regulations in the prevention and contrast of secondary victimization;
  • Sensitizing media professionals to the importance of changing dominant social representations of violence against women in media reporting and storytelling, too often based on sensationalism and stereotyped models.  

Project pillars

1. Training activities, with a combination of e-learning, webinars and face-to-face workshops, focused on different aspects of the secondary victimization and targeted at enforcement officers, justice professionals and journalists.

2. Awareness-raising campaign promoting videos, infographics, articles and interviews to raise public awareness of secondary victimisation.

3. Theatre performance inspired by real case scenarios and designed as an integral part of the training program for the targeted categories of professionals. 

The new e-book

The project NEVER AGAIN has recently released the E-book "I said no. When women are victimized twice", written by the journalists and bloggers of Alley Oop - Il Sole 24 Ore.
Violence against women does not take place only through the hands of violent and abusive men, but is also manifested in ways more covert and more difficult to define through the system and institutions, namely in the inadequate and unsympathetic response of magistrates, lawyers, social workers and the media, who often lack the necessary mindset and skills to intervene effectively. This lack of a methodical and victim-centred approach inevitably leads to a concrete form of secondary violence. 

This phenomenon, with differences and peculiarities typical of the various countries, it is widespread across Europe and would require a common and coordinated response.

The aim of this E-book is to describe secondary victimisation in all its forms and increase awareness in particular among the professional categories who come into direct contact with women victims of violence so that they will no longer have to suffer gender-based violence a second time. 

For more information about the e-book, the project and its events and initiatives, you can visit their website or contact them at

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