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DG Justice kick-off meetings/information sessions: EQUAL call 2021

On 10 June 2022, a kick-off meeting for projects selected under the call CERV-2021-EQUAL took place, under the umbrella of the CERV Civil Dialogue.

Related topics

Justice and Consumers

date:  22/07/2019

For the 1st time, the meeting was organised with a hybrid format.

From the granted 32 projects, 32 participants from 22 projects attended the meeting physically in Brussels, while an additional 20-30 beneficiaries followed the meeting remotely. In total 85% of the awarded projects attended the meeting.

The morning session was mainly dedicated on grant management aspects such as the novelties introduced by the new MFF, how to deal with amendments, how tor report and how to interact with us in the course of the project.

The meeting also touched upon several horizontal topics, such as gender mainstreaming and adherence to EU values.

The afternoon session was devoted to policy-oriented discussions with DG JUST policy officers as well as participatory networking among the organisations themselves.

The event was very well received and other kick-off meetings will be organised in September 2022 (project coordinators concerned have been already informed).

See you soon online or in Brussels!

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