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Introductory words by the new Commission Coordinator for the Rights of the Child, Marie-Cécile Rouillon

“Children’s rights are human rights, under any circumstances”, stressed Vice-President Šuica. Russia’s aggression against Ukraine brutally denies their basic rights. Nearly 4.7 million refugees are fled Ukraine. Half of them are children, and many arrive without their parents. This Newsletter focuses on the support that the EU is providing to help Member States protect their rights.

date:  11/04/2022

This sadly coincides with the first anniversary of the EU Strategy for the Rights of the Child. It gives important tools to uphold children’s rights concretely. This newsletter flags key deliverables, notably the EU Network for Children’s Rights launched on 31 March, and the child-friendly versions of the Strategy to foster child participation.

To make this EU Strategy a reality, as the new Commission Coordinator for the Rights of the Child, my priority remains to work closely with all stakeholders and partners from Member States, civil society, international organisations, EU institutions and agencies, at all levels. And first and foremost, to work with and for children. Many thanks for your cooperation and constant dedication.

Let me also warmly thank my predecessor Valeria Setti, and the Rights of the Child Team, for their commitment to advance this ambitious EU Strategy, in close link with the Commission’s and EU institutions’ colleagues.

When challenges ahead are more pressing than ever, I am very honoured to join the Children’s Right family. I will bring-in my 16-year experience within the European Commission, in education & culture, research & innovation, migration & home affairs, as well as employment & inclusion services. And my full commitment to make the EU Strategy a reality. Bringing efforts together is more essential than ever for a concrete impact on children’s life.

I very much look forward to working with you all in that purpose.

Marie-Cécile Rouillon

Commission Coordinator for the Rights of the Child

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