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Commission presents EU antisemitism strategy during meeting of Delegation for relations with Israel

1 March 2022 - The European Parliament Delegation for relations with Israel together with members of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs dedicated a session to an exchange of views on the EU Strategy on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life.

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Combating antisemitism

date:  04/03/2022

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Katharina von Schnurbein, the Commission Coordinator on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life, acknowledged the action by Jewish organisations and communities in support of the refugees coming from Ukraine. She then gave an overview of the main actions the strategy puts forward and discussed its implementation with the Members of the European Parliament. Nicola Beer, Vice-President of the European Parliament and Chair of the Woking Gorup against antisemitism, spoke about the challenges Jewish community is facing and the legal actions EU needs to take in order to combat the scourge of antisemitism in Europe. 

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