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Call for expression of interest to participate to selected activities of the EU network for children’s rights

In the 2021 EU Strategy on the rights of the child, the Commission said it would set up a new EU Network for children’s rights to support the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child. The Network will also boost the exchange of information, good practices and mutual learning among EU Member States, the Commission and relevant stakeholders working on the rights of the child. Discover how to get involved!

date:  19/01/2022

The Network will be composed of Member State representatives, but not only. In fact, in some of its activities, it will include other relevant stakeholders.

The activities of the Network will include, among others, meetings, study and peer visits, research activities and training activities. Interested organisations are invited to notify their interest by filling the application form available at this link.

The list of interested organisations if valid up to four years from the date of opening of this call for expression of interest. For each of the activities, DG JUST will decide whom to associate, by direct invitation based on information provided in the form, in addition to the Member State representatives.

Make sure to register by 7 February 2022 at the latest!

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