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Katharina von Schnurbein presents the EU Antisemitism Strategy at various events

The European Commission Coordinator on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life, Katharina von Schnurbein, took active part in various events and presented the newly adopted strategy tackling antisemitism in Europe and beyond as well as the steps forward for its implementation.

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Combating antisemitism

date:  17/12/2021

At the Kyiv Jewish Forum, an annual event bringing together top global leaders, Katharina von Schnurbein discussed the new challenges the Jewish community faces with the escalation of online hatred and the external dimension of the strategy. 

A discussion with Special Envoy on Antisemitism in North-Rhein Westphalia, Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger, was a good opportunity to highlight the connection between EU strategy and the implementation on regional level, which is necessary to ensure improvement for Jewish communities locally. 

The parliamentary conference 'Blickpunkt B@yern; Fight antisemitism decisivly!' Dr. Josef Schuster, Head of the Jewish community in Germany, Florian Streibl, Head of the Freie Wähler Group in the Bavarian Parliament, and Katharina von Schnurbein discussed ways in which Germany can address antisemitism more effectively and how to prevent and contain the spread of fake news and hatred online. 

To commemorate the victims of the terrorist attack at the Christmas market on Breitscheidplatz in Berlin in 2016, Ms. von Schnurbein presented the EU strategy in a discussion organised by the Senator of the Interior of Berlin, Andreas Geisel, on “Antisemitism - Challenges for Law Enforcement, Security Actors and Society” for policy and law enforcement agencies.

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