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President von der Leyen joins Jewish community in celebrating Chanukah

2 December 2021 - Ursula von der Leyen celebrated the Chanukah by lighting the candle of the Chanukia in the heart of the European quarter in Brussels, Schuman square, marking the sixth day of the Jewish festival of lights.

date:  03/12/2021

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In her speech at the ceremony organised by the European Jewish Community Centre, President von der Leyen stated: 

It is such an honour for me to light a candle on this Chanukia, which will cast its light on the European quarter tonight. (...) It is wonderful to be present here at an ancient Jewish tradition, celebrating a miracle from over two thousand years ago. Chanukah is a story of resilience and perseverance. (...) Chanukah bears a message of hope for all of us in these times of pandemic and recovery. 

President von der Leyen finished by saying: 

I want a Union that cherishes its diversity, where the lights of Chanukah illuminate our cities and our hearts. So on this Festival of light, my wish is that we can all find the strength and the perseverance to build a Union of unity and diversity, where Jewish life can truly prosper.

Chag Chanukah Sameach.


Speech by President von der Le...
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