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‘’Gender Equality in the IT workplace: Breaking Down the Barriers’’

The Diversity Charter Cyprus, within the learning framework of supporting and promoting diversity and inclusion in the Cypriot workplace, will participate in the event titled ‘’Gender Equality in the IT workplace: Breaking Down the Barriers’’, an event organised by CEPIS work on the DiversIT Charter, the programme for companies and organisations to recognise and further their efforts in increasing gender equality in their tech teams. The event will take place on 26 November 2021 online, 10:00 to 12:30 CET.

date:  25/11/2021

See alsoMore about the event

The event will offer an excellent line-up of competent and knowledgeable speakers who will focus on concrete and practical aspects of reducing the gender gap in IT professions, such as the benefits of diverse teams for businesses, improving company culture, (the importance of) unconscious bias training, and best practices in recruitment to increase the rate of female applicants for tech roles. This event will also feature a few best practices as an inspiration and will also explain how the DiversIT Charter can help organizations to work towards achieving gender equality in your workplace.

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