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Workplace Inclusion Champion” Programm

The regional partnership of the programme “Workplace Inclusion Champion”, funded by The Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (REC) of the European Commission, announced the appointment of its local advisory Council Boards.

date:  25/11/2021

The local Council Boards will play an important role in advancing the Workplace Inclusion Championprogram in Croatia, Romania and Slovenia.

Also the preliminary findings & report of the ongoing programme “Workplace Inclusion Champion” were published. The main aim of the report was to explore the needs of Charters’ signatory organisations in Croatia, Romania and Slovenia regarding training and mentorship programmes, already existing D&I trainings and their formats. It also explored how the changes caused by pandemic affected different vulnerable groups, the best ways of learning for a successful D&I training & learning programme, as well as valuable EU resources to be considered in the future training modules. Download full report here

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