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Looking back: DIVERSITY Challenge 2021 Germany

We can proudly say that 1,5 years of work have paid off and we have hosted another very successful DIVERSITY challenge this year. 644 young visionaries from 82 diverse organisations participated in this year’s challenge, forming teams and producing a total of 98 projects. The challenge was themed “societal diversity at the workplace”. We wanted to inspire young people aged 16 to 27 to reflect the diversity they see in our society onto their workplaces. How does diversity in society impact the workplace? How do we treat being different in our society and consequently at the workplace?

Diversity Charter Germany

date:  25/11/2021

Teams could participate in one of three disciplines, with a guiding question each:

Creating DIVERSITY: How can we make societal diversity visible at the workplace?

Living DIVERSITY: How can we strengthen societal diversity at the workplace?

Rethinking DIVERSITY: How can we rethink societal diversity at the workplace?

The teams were challenged to showcase creativity and enthusiasm, initiative and innovative thinking. Each category had three teams winning teams, chosen by a jury, plus two audience awards.

From the initial idea, through implementation, to the award ceremony, the competition lasted six months. Before that, we organised eight CHALLENGE.Labs in which participating teams could learn more about the topic of diversity. The competition was accompanied by regular updates on our social media platforms, and we hosted several Instagram Live events with experts and the participating teams. Due to the ongoing Covid-19 restrictions, the award ceremony took place in a digital live format.

With their contributions, the participating teams put diversity measures into action in their organisations and set the course for a more inclusive work culture from the bottom up, involving the next generation. The DIVERSITY challenge has shown that diversity is more than a quota – it is a lived reality and the competition projects set an example for other businesses on how to make diversity more visible, successful and fun. 

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