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Looking for other funding opportunities linked to DG JUST policies?

Then have a look at the Horizon Europe programme!

date:  16/12/2021

The calls for proposals under Pillar 2 - Cluster 2 “Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society” focus on challenges pertaining to democratic governance, cultural heritage and the creative economy, as well as social and economic transformations.

To give you some examples, among the forthcoming calls, there will be some on: the future of democracy and civic participation, the impact of inequalities on democracy and on “strengthening racial, ethnic and religious equality” and many other interesting ones. 

DG RTD organizes Horizon Europe Info days to inform (potential) applicants about funding opportunities available in the framework of Horizon Europe programme and, on 7 December, there has been one exactly on Cluster 2. Click here to watch the recordings.

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