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Initiation of the Diversity Charter Cyprus 3-day training on the Diversity & Inclusion in the Workplace

The Diversity Charter Cyprus, within the framework of the services and tools that provides exclusively to its members, has successfully delivered a 3-day introductory training program to the Cyprus Human Resource Management Association (CyHRMA) and its over a 1000 members, on the Diversity & Inclusion in the Workplace.

date:  21/11/2021

The training took place online and was successfully completed with the participation of various members of the CyHRMA, from multiple companies from the private and public sector, including corporate, legal, tourism and industry companies and organisations. The training covered important aspects of the subject, such as theories, concepts, challenges, benefits, risks, tools, strategies, recommendations, policies, best practices and case studies of the D&I in the Cypriot workplace.

The training is offered for free to all the members of the Diversity Charter Cyprus, and is accompanied by additional info packs, practical guides and tools for an effective introduction of the D&I management in the workplaces of Cyprus.

Find out more at Diversity Charter Cyprus (EU Official Representative Center for Social Innovation) or contact us at (Ms. Panayiota Constanti, Coordinator of Diversity Charter Cyprus)

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