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Vice-President Schinas discusses with Members of the European Parliament upcoming Strategy on combating antisemitism

13 July 2021 - Vice-President Schinas met with the Chairs and Members of the European Parliament Working Group against Antisemitism and presented an outline of the upcoming Strategy on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life in the EU. He invited Members of the European Parliament to make suggestions and recommendations feeding into the development of the Strategy.

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Combating antisemitism

date:  13/07/2021

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Margaritis Schinas, European Commission Vice-President for Promoting our European Way of Life said: 

“This autumn we will present the first-ever EU strategy on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life. We want an ambitious and operational framework, bringing together EU and Member States’ efforts to fight this centuries-old hatred. Europe must remain a place where Jewish people feel free and safe to lead their lives and practice their religious traditions like every other member of our society. A place where they see a future for their youth. We are working hand-in-hand with the European Parliament to bring this strategy closer to citizens. This is not a concern only for Jewish communities but for our core values and our European way of life as a whole.“

The Working Group against Antisemitism in the European Parliament has been calling for concrete measures to step up the fight against antisemitism at European level. The Working Group Chairs welcomed the initiative of European Commission for a Strategy on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life in the EU. 

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