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Roadmap published - EU Strategy on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life

The consultations for the 'EU Strategy on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life' are now open. The Strategy will be adopted by the European Commission before the end of the year. The Roadmap informs about the problems to be tackled and the general aims of the strategy. Citizens, stakeholders, Jewish communities and national authorities are invited to contribute their feedback to the roadmap and voice their ideas to the development of the strategy through written contributions.

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Combating antisemitism

date:  04/06/2021

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With the forthcoming EU strategy the Commission will aim to: 

I) prevent and combat all forms of contemporary antisemitism
II) protect and foster Jewish life, and 
III)  ensure remembrance of the victims of the Shoah, as well as education about antisemitism, Jewish life and the Holocaust as a defining moment of post-WWII Europe and the founding of the European Union. 

These objectives will guide the development of the strategy and its implementation in the EU and beyond.

The European Commission invites citizens, stakeholders, Jewish communities and national authorities to provide feedback through uploading a contribution here.

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