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Bulgarian Diversity Charter Joins EU Diversity Month Celebrations

The Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum and the Centre for the Study of Democracy started the Bulgarian Diversity Charter in September 2020 to promote diversity and inclusion management policies in workplaces and help build a tolerant and fair society.

date:  12/05/2021

In early 2021 we introduced a new special Diversity@Work award within the Annual Responsible Business Awards – Bulgaria’s most prominent CSR and sustainability competition that the BBLF has held for 18 years now. Our aim is to promote the Charter to the private, public and NGO sectors as well as recognize the true D&I champions in the local context. We have had more than 30 entries for this award which will be handed for the first time ever in Bulgaria, and the judging panel (members of the Bulgarian Diversity Charter Advisory Board and other experts) has already selected the finalists and the winner. Due to the Covid situation in Bulgaria the prize-giving ceremony of the Awards will be held in June.

Importantly, the Bulgarian Diversity Charter joined the EU Diversity Month and celebrations across member states by organising an online event titled Diversity as a Business Advantage on 11 May. The best practice webinar highlighted companies’ efforts in promoting diverse teams in the workplace, and the benefits of creating inclusive working environments. The event gathered a unique audience of CEOs, public sector officials and NGOs to exchange experience, best practice, difficulties and solutions. Guest speakers included the chairperson of the Committee for Protection Against Discrimination as well as senior executives of TELUS International Europe, Nestle Bulgaria, Hilton Sofia and KCM 2000 Group. 

Join us in celebrating diversity and inclusion in our workplaces and in the society at large. For details:,

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