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Diversity events organised by Slovenian and Croatian Diversity Charters

In joined effort, Croatian and Slovenian Charters are organising two international virtual events on diversity. The events will be opening discussion on diversity implementation in the last year and the time of pandemics. The events are in English and open to all interested participants.

date:  28/04/2021

May 19th 2021; 13.00 to 15.00: DIVERSITY IN TIMES OF COVID-19

Taking into account very specific circumstances in which we had to operate in the last year, we want to share experience that companies had during COVID-19 pandemic. The panel will show that all organizations had to face insecurity and fear and that many have used this challenge to improve their relations with employees and to put maximal efforts to support employees during difficult times. Participating companies in Croatia and Slovenia are invited to join panel discussion on this public virtual event, to share their experiences and good practices in their diversity policies during COVID-19 times. Opening remarks will be provided by state secretaries of the Ministries of Labour and Social Policies of both countries and representatives of the business associations of Croatia and Slovenia. Round table will provide experience of a number of CEOs representing companies operating in both countries.



May 25th 2021; 13.00 to 15.00: DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION IN EDUCATION

In times of pandemic, both countries experienced school closures, education was suddenly faced with an extraordinary new reality: students at all levels, became homebound, together with their parents and extended families. We could witness education crisis that exacerbated inequalities in education and disproportionately hurt vulnerable and disadvantaged students, and on the other side, teachers were faced with new set of challenges (new technologies, work-life balance, work from home, etc.). The round table is an opportunity to exchange good practice in managing diversity and inclusion in educational sector in times of pandemic and to reaffirm its importance. The opening words will be provided by representatives of the Ministries of education of both countries, while in the panel, educational experts from Croatia and Slovenia will share their experience.


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