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European Diversity Month 2021: focus on ethnic diversity in the workplace

This year’s edition again focuses on organisations’ efforts to promote diversity and diverse teams in the workplace and to create inclusive working environments. The Commission invites all organisations and companies in Europe to do their share, take a stand for diversity and also to show their commitment by organising diversity events during the month of May.

date:  28/04/2021

The first-ever European Diversity Month took place last May, linked to the 10th anniversary of the EU Platform of Diversity Charters. And despite the fact that the original plans had to be scaled back then due to the COVID-19 outbreak, it was successfully celebrated in several EU countries.

Why a European Diversity Month?

The Commission has been committed to promoting diversity and inclusion and to fighting discrimination through legislation for a long time. This has helped to advance the cause of equality and enabled millions of people to reach their full potential. However, everyone – public institutions, private companies, non-profit organisation, cities etc. – need to work together to build equal and inclusive environments, especially now, during the pandemic, when diversity and inclusion are at increased risk.

According to the 2019 Special Eurobarometer on discrimination in the EU, over 1 in 2 Europeans (59%) believe that discrimination because of one’s ethnic origin is widespread. One in three people of African descent say they experienced racist harassment in the last five years. While more than 70 years after the Holocaust, widespread antisemitism still affects Jewish people in all areas of life in the EU. This is why, in accordance with the EU Anti-racism Action Plan, the European Diversity Month will have an extra focus on ethnic diversity this year.

How can you take part?

  • Highlight the importance of diverse and inclusive workplaces – inform your staff about your own diversity work, organise an (virtual) event, workshop, presentation etc - get inspired by the Guide to inspire celebrating EU Diversity Month published on the EU Diversity Month’s website.

  • If you decide to organise your own internal event, please let us know about it by registering it here.

  • Communicate on social media about your actions and about the EU Diversity Month using our visuals and Social media toolkit also available on our website.


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