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Report on the state of implementation of the 2017 EC Communication on the protection of children in Migration

This report maps the progresses made by the Member States since the implementation of the 2017 Commission Communication on the protection of children in migration. The Communication aims at protecting all third-country national migrant children at all stages of migration to and within the EU. The report was prepared on the basis of national contributions from 26 EMN National Contact Points.

date:  10/03/2021

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Since 2017, progress has been made: Appropriately trained officials are now present during the procedure for the identification and registration of minors and general reception facilities for asylum seekers have been improved. The guardianship system for unaccompanied children has been strengthened and the detention of unaccompanied minors and minors with families is allowed, but is only implemented as a last resort. There is still work to be done on the early integration process in the key host country as it ensures a sustainable solution. The effectiveness of the use of EU funds for programmes prioritising the protection of unaccompanied children, as well as the identification of unaccompanied children and child victims of trafficking in human beings, should be improved. 



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