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European Commission Vice-President Věra Jourová addresses the Mayors Summit against Antisemitism

16 March 2021 - At the 'Mayors Summit against Antisemitism' organised by the Combat Antisemitism Movement (CAM), Vice-President Jourová stressed that “antisemitism needs a holistic response, where the European, national and local level work hand in hand.”

date:  16/03/2021

See alsoVideo Speech VP Jourová

She stated that she looks “forward to working together to create a world where Jews are and feel secure, where they can express their own cultural and religious identity openly and without fear”. Vice-President Jourová also highlighted that:

"By end of 2021, the European Commission will propose to add hate speech and hate crime irrespective of whether they are based on race, religion, gender or sexual orientation to the so-called list of “Eurocrimes” under the Treaties."

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