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Vice-President Schinas addesses the UN Conference "Exploring Holistic Approaches to Combating Antisemitism"

15 March 2021 - The European Commission took active part in the online conference “Exploring Holistic Approaches to Combating Antisemitism” organized by the UNAOC. Vice-President Margaritis Schinas reiterated the fact that “Fighting antisemitism is a universal responsibility, and it is only by joining forces that we can address it decisively.” Katharina von Schnurbein, the Commission's Coordinator on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life, developed on the initiatives, projects and actions put forward by the EU in order to support its Member States.

date:  15/03/2021

See alsoVideo Speech VP Schinas

He further stated that “The European Union strongly welcomes the increasing efforts made by the United Nations in combating antisemitism, including through the Report by the UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief, His Excellency Ahmed Shaheed and of course by your appointment (H.E. Mr. Miguel Moratinos), High Representative as the UN “focal point” on antisemitism.” Vice-President Schinas indicated that as part of the EU determination to win this fight against antisemitism, the Commission will present the first-ever comprehensive European Strategy on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life later this year. Katharina von Schnurbein, the Commission's Coordinator on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life, developed on the initiatives, projects and actions put forward by the EU in order to support its Member States. She also presented the collaborations at European and international level in this endeavour to end antisemitism in Europe and worldwide. The event brought together special envoys and coordinators, UN officials and representatives of international and European Jewish organisations. In three sessions, participants addressed the achievements made so far in the fight against antisemitism and the challenges ahead, what are best practices and how to create synergies and enhance a system-wide response to combat antisemitism.

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