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The project C.O.N.T.R.O and its awareness raising campaign against hate speech online

The European project “CO.N.T.R.O.” (COunter Narratives AgainsT Racism Online”) is arrived to its end, but it is still conducting an interesting awareness raising campaign against hate speech online which is based on a social experiment.

date:  02/03/2021


The project was coordinated by the Italian National Office against Racial Discrimination in partnership with the Italian Institute for Social Research and it was co-funded by the REC programme. It promoted a series of activities to stem hate speech online, discrimination based on ethnic origins, the use of violent language, intimidating attitudes and racial and xenophobic cyberbullying.


The social experiment: ordinary people, coming from the world of extras or amateur theater, showed up for the casting of a commercial aimed at promoting cruises in the Mediterranean. After arriving, they were asked to wait for a few minutes in a waiting room where they were filmed by hidden cameras.

What happened then? Look here (*EN subtitles available*).


In the website of the project (only available in Italian: ) you will find the main deliverables produced by the project and also the links to other videos of the same communication campaign which focus on different aspects and feelings generated by the hate speech: violence, arrogance, grudge, indifference, embarrassment, hatred, brutality, anger.


You can also follow the project on FB


We are also happy to inform you that, based on the good results of the project C.O.N.T.R.O, a new project called “REASON - REAct in the Struggle against ONline hate speech” has started recently with the aim to improve the responses of the Italian authorities on hate crime and hate speech. The project is always coordinated by the Italian National Office against Racial Discrimination in partnership with the Italian Institute for Social Research with the addition of 2 new partners: Associazione Carta di Roma and Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore.

Congratulations again!

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