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EU Strategy on the rights of the child - consultations with children - report

Over 10,000 children and young people participated in a consultation on the EU’s upcoming Child Rights Strategy and Child Guarantee. In summer 2020, the European Commission invited UNICEF, Eurochild, Save the Children, World Vision and Child Fund Alliance to support the European Commission’s work and consult children on the upcoming EU Strategy on the rights of the child and the EU Child guarantee. The results from these consultations are outlined in the report “Our Europe, Our Rights, Our Future” that was launched in a virtual event on 23 February 2021.

date:  23/02/2021

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The perspectives of more than 10,000 children and young people, from within and outside the European Union (EU), are expressed powerfully throughout the report "Our Europe, Our Rights, Our Future".

In preparing for the new EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child 2021 - 2024, the European Commission decided to set a new standard by inviting children living in Europe and beyond to share their views and influence how the strategy would be shaped and what topics it would prioritise. To this end, the European Commission called on five child rights organizations - ChildFund Alliance, Eurochild, Save the Children, UNICEF and World Vision - to facilitate consultations with children across Europe and beyond, based on their collective experience of working with millions of children worldwide, evidence, research, and policies.

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