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European Diversity Month 2021

"Let’s all take a bolder stand for diversity and act about it. Let’s show our commitment to equality and this May 2021 celebrate the European Diversity Month together. With more diverse workplaces, we will create a fairer and more equal Europe for all." Helena Dalli, EU Commissioner for Equality

date:  15/02/2021


We invite all organisations in Europe, whether a signatory of a Diversity Charter or not, to take a stand for diversity and act about it - join us this May in celebrating the European Diversity Month!

European Diversity Month raises awareness of the importance of diversity and inclusion in our workplaces and in the society throughout the whole European Union. It celebrates organisations’ efforts in promoting diversity and diverse teams in the workplace and for creating inclusive working environments. 

The European Diversity Month supports the European Commission’s commitment to promote diversity and inclusion and to combat discrimination. The legislation in place has helped to bring about equality and enabled millions of people to reach their full potential. However, we all - public institutions, private companies, non-profit organisation, cities need to work together to build equal and inclusive environments. Therefore, the Commission has been supporting voluntary initiatives such as Diversity Charters by setting up a Commission funded European Platform of Diversity Charters in 2010.

Launch event

Book your agendas for the 3 May 2021, the official launch of the European Diversity Month 2021 with Commissioner Dalli and CEO-level participants focussing on the racial and ethnic diversity. 

More information

For more information and regular updates please visit our official website.



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