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Dear Friends,

As we prepare to commemorate the 76th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, against the backdrop of a pandemic that has taken a tragic toll on human lives – including amongst the last remaining Holocaust Survivors – we have a duty not only to remember, but to act.

date:  26/01/2021

2021 promises to be a pivotal year in Europe’s fight against the scourge of antisemitism. The European Commission will present its first-ever comprehensive strategy on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life. In close cooperation with our partners, we want to address the main concerns of Jewish communities, complementing and supporting Member States’ efforts. In December, the Council adopted an important Declaration, in which all Member States commit to step up efforts to integrate the fight against antisemitism horizontally into all relevant policy areas.

We are under no illusion that we can get rid of a 2000-year-old hatred in a few years’ time. Nevertheless, the Council Declaration and the upcoming EU strategy are unequivocal signals that this is a fight Europe is determined to win.

Four years ago, on the occasion of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the European Commission declared the working definition of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) as the basis of our work to combat antisemitism. To tackle a problem one must first recognise its scope and understand it from the perspective of those affected. The IHRA definition has now been adopted by 18 Member States and many other entities. The recently published “Handbook on the practical use of the IHRA working definition of antisemitism” is another valuable tool to support practitioners by sharing best practices on how the definition can be used to address antisemitism effectively.

Jewish life is and will always be part of our European societies. Continuing to protect and support Jewish life is an imperative to safeguard the fundamental values on which the European Union is built – humanity, equality and diversity – and an essential pillar of promoting our European way of life.

May the year 2021 be remembered for our unity in fighting discrimination, our determination in keeping the memory of the Shoah alive for future generations, and our efforts to make Europe a safer place for all.

I wish you all a peaceful and happy New Year.

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