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Annual Event 2020 - Fundación Diversidad

In November 2020, we celebrated virtually the Annual Event of Fundación Diversidad that framed the VI International Diversity Awards. In addition to these recognitions, several companies signed the Diversity Charter for the first time and others renewed their commitment to this Charter of Principles. The Diversity Calendar 2021 was also presented. Like every year, we counted on the participation of the foundation’s patrons, the representation in Spain of the European Commission and the Ministry of Equality.

date:  12/01/2021


These companies were the winners of the awards 2020:

  • SME category: A Puntadas Empresa Social
  • Large Companies category: Caixabank
  • International category: Lilly Spain
  • Public institution or company category: The Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection Foundation
  • Sports category: GABEN Sports Club
  • Special mention in the framework of the COVID-19 crisis: Pfizer Spain

To make known the new signatories and the renewals of the Charter, we set up two videos where all the companies that joined us were presented. In the videos the signatories could say a few words about what D&I means for them, while showing the diploma of the Charter. The videos were shown at the virtual event and then, shared in social networks.

In the event we also had a panel discussion to reflect on whether existing diversity and inclusion policies are helping to make this crisis more bearable for companies and how these policies are evolving. The following companies participated in the panel: Alares Social CEE, Admiral Seguros, BASF Spain, Lilly Spain and SACYR.

In addition, in collaboration with La Merced Migraciones Foundation, we presented the Diversity Calendar 2021, a calendar that includes the most relevant dates regarding Diversity and Human Rights, as well as customs, cultural traditions and the most representative religious dates in Spain. A calendar inspired by the German Diversity Charter.




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