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Austrian Diversity Charter News

At this time we officially count 248 signatories and some interested companies in the pipeline. Since January 2020, we have 18 new signatories. We plan to continue with our strategy to invite and involve our members primarily to new online events and projects.

date:  12/01/2021


Organizational updates  
The Austrian Charta-Partnership between the Vienna Chamber of Commerce and the Austrian Chamber will be continued. The Viennese Chamber as a service institution is responsible about the existing and new signatories and events. The Austrian chamber is covering political interests and is the link to the EU-Charta where. The Austrian Chamber represents the Austrian Charter at EU-Charter Meetings in Europe.  
Activities & Events 

  • In the context of the “Charta-Business-Breakfast”, where our signatories can present their diversity-activities and network with each other, we have to wait until it´s  possible again to take place in real meetings. 
  • On the occasion of the 10th Anniversary of the Austrian Diversity Charter we presented Best Practice examples and the diversity activities of our Signatories on our Charta-Website and on our social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram and Youtube):  
  • Our new type of event called „Meet Diversity“, which started in October 2020 will be continued: In a interview setting we talk with partners and other institutions and organisations which deal with Diversity and Diversitymanagement. In the future we want to include successful Entrepreneurs from the various diversity dimensions. The goal is to present Best Practices, create awareness and highlight the chances, benefits and potentials of a diverse society and economy.
  • We organized 5 Online-Workshops for domestic and care assitants in the following languages: Romanian, Slowakian, Hungarian, BCS (Bosnian, Croatian Serbian) and Polish tot he following relevant topics: Founding, Social Insurance and Taxes. The workshops were held on November and December 2020.
  • At the end of 2020 we started to increase and strengthen our existing and new cooperations. On December 3 the chamber of commerce participated in the global „Purple Light Up Day“ for ore awareness for people with disabilities which was coordinated through one of our signatories (myAbility Social Enterprise GmbH).
  • On December, 10th, the international Human Rights Day, we took part at a Online-Conference, which was initiated through the Slovenian Charter.
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