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The scientific roadmap to an effective and result-driven D&I policy

In October 2020 Diversity at Work, the Utrecht University and the Dutch Inclusivity Monitor joined forces to research the effectiveness of current D&I policies on the Dutch labour market. The visible increase of companies wanting to invest in diversity and inclusion simultaneously raised questions about how to set up an effective D&I policy.

date:  11/01/2021


The multitude of tools, strategies, instruments, best practices and how to combine them, left companies confused as to what works best. Moreover, in some cases the efforts and investments made did not deliver the aspired goals and results.

Therefore the unique partnership of Diversity at Work, the Utrecht University and the Dutch Inclusivity Monitor, initiated the research project ‘Effectiveness within the D&I policy landscape’, to scientifically shed light on what works and what doesn’t. The project elaborates on previous research which revealed three essential conditions for successful D&I policy. It needs to be coherent, systematically developed and implemented and scientifically validated. Diversity at Work contributes with the quantitative anonymized data of over 106 companies who signed the Diversity Charter and subsequently provided structured plans of action, including used strategies, instruments and tools. The Dutch Inclusivity Monitor adds data in terms of the translation of D&I policy to the actual effects on employees and the workplace environment. Finally, the University of Utrecht will compare and analyze these data according to the latest scientific insights.

Ultimately, this three-year research project aims to deliver straightforward tools, instruments and strategies and offer scientifically proven advice to organizations. It bridges the gap between science and the work space. During its three-year time span, the partnership organizes inspirational events to update on its findings so far. The first meeting is due in March 2021 and reveals insights to the following question: how can we measure inclusivity?

This project is funded by the Goldschmeding Foundation for People, Work and Economy. It works towards an inclusive and sustainable world based on the conviction that a better world is reached when people serve each other’s interests.

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