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ENOC - 24th annual meeting and Newsletter

The 24th annual meeting of ENOC took place on 16 and 17 November 2020 online. It was dedicated to discuss child rights impact assessment (CRIA). "CRIA is a process, tool and report which supports a systematic assessment and communication of the impact of a proposal or measure on the rights, needs and interests of children and young people. CRIA focuses on how children's rights may be affected by the decisions and actions of governments, institutions and others in the areas of law, policy and practice." The Newsletter contains useful information and announcements from the network itself, as well as updates on European and international activities in the field of the rights of the child. It also provides updates on ENOC members’ activities and collects the latest relevant publications.

date:  16/11/2020

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See alsoENOC 2020 position statement on Child Ri...


ENOC'S newsletter
(880 KB - PDF)
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