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Newsletter on rights of the child No 5/2020

Dear Readers, We welcome you warmly on a cold and grey day in Brussels. The season is changing, but the coronavirus is still around. Some changes can be observed compared to the first wave last Spring. In some countries, children have this time been asked what was their opinion about the safety measures, and more information has been delivered in a child friendly way – you can read more about it in the posts below. The impact of Covid-19 was discussed during the many events that took place on Friday 20 November, to celebrate the World Children’s Day. We link you to some of them in this edition of the newsletter. Last, but not least – some updates on our work on the Strategy. We are working at full speed to get the Strategy ready for Spring 2021. Together with eight leading child rights organisations we consulted children both within and outside the EU on the Strategy. We received more than 10.000 replies to the online questionnaire and more children were consulted in different forms. We gathered recommendations and opinions on the Strategy during the 2020 Forum on the rights of the child. We have also talked to the representatives of the national authorities from the EU Member States and to colleagues from the Commission services and agencies. We are still counting on your contribution to the online questionnaire that is available until 8 December. Don’t forget to have your say on the EU Strategy on the rights of the child.

date:  24/11/2020

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