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Practical Guide to Diversity Management in times of crisis

The Diversity Charter LĂ«tzebuerg published the Practical Guide to Diversity Management in Times of Crisis.

date:  30/10/2020


This Practical Guide is now available in English and French free of charge on the website.

Thought and published in the context of the health crisis we are currently going through, the primary function of this guide is to ensure that you have the tools and knowledge necessary for good diversity management within your structure. This is why we have chosen to focus on two areas: immediate crisis management and a return to "normal".

The first one, composed of 7 practical sheets, answers the questions of the business continuity plan, the management of remote teams, stress and fragility, or the maintenance of activities promoting diversity and inclusion within the organization. The second section offers ideas to facilitate physical return to the workplace and, finally, the creation of more inclusive workplaces.

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