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EU Anti-Racism Action Plan 2020-2025

On the 18th September the Commission presented a new EU action plan against racism which sets out a series of measures for the next five years. In particular, the Commission will ensure that Member States fully implement the relevant EU legislation and will further strengthen the legal framework, if necessary.

date:  29/10/2020

The areas affected by these new measures could be, among others, those not yet covered by anti-discrimination legislation, such as in the area of ​​maintaining public order. The Commission also calls on the Member States to maximize the use of all the tools at their disposal, in particular the funds available under the next long-term EU budget and from NextGenerationEU. The action plan brings together actors at all levels to fight racism more effectively in Europe, in particular through the adoption of national action plans against racism.

A press release and a fact sheet are available online. The action plan was presented by Vice-President Věra Jourová and Commissioner Helena Dalli at a press conference which is available on EbS.

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